Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It all began with four little words…

I don’t love you.

Okay, five if you count the contraction as my beloved yet anal retentive dad would say. Those four little words so innocent when spoken separately can tear your heart out when put together. Especially if they are spoken by the man who meant everything to you. How do you react? What can you say? Five years of your life gone. Your hopes and dreams vanished in a blink of an eye. 

Your friends tell you ‘screw him, he’ll find out that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him’ or ‘five years and no ring? Clearly the man has commitment issues.’ Or my favorite ‘he’s a douche, you can do so much better and besides he was way too old for you.’ But you know the thing about those four words he spoke to me that brilliantly blue August morning in a café in Chicago they changed my life forever and they led me to my fate. 

Silent Whispers (c) M. Katherine Clark

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